V2 News


The do's and don'ts at Get Lucky!

Allowed Items

Small Bags, single compartment regular-size/unframed backpacks, plush backpacks,and purses
Portable phone chargers
Sealed packs of tobacco items only (cigarettes, chew, etc..)
E-cigs/Vapes/Mechanical Mods extra e-cig batteries, sealed bottles of E-Jucice. MUST BE SEALED.
Hula hoops including led hoops, staffs, POI, and other large flow toys (will be searched)
Inflatables (must be deflated upon entry)
Flags/banners or handmade signs (no corporate/company brands and no hard flagpoles)
EL wire
Mascot Costumes
Your ticket
Your ID
Comfortable Clothing
Good Vibes ONLY

Camelbak & other hydration packs will be allowed at #GetLuckySLC! At the Department of Alcohol and Beverage Controls request NO hydration packs or large bags will be allowed in the bar. This is a zero tolerance policy, there will be a coat check available if you’d like to check your bag but please plan accordingly.

Items NOT Allowed

Weapons of any kinds
Illegal substances and/or paraphernalia
Large or framed backpacks, purses or bags
Digital Cameras of any kind
Professional video/audio recording equipment
Professional still camera equipment with a detachable lens longer than 2 inches, tripods, big zooms, or commercial-use rigs
Selfie sticks, GoPro cameras or attachments
Lawn furniture, chairs, tents
Laser pointers
Glass or can containers of any kind
Markers, sharpies, paint pens, or spray paint
Promotional items, samples, giveaways, flyers, or stickers
Large totems (see totem guidelines)
LED gloves or LED microlights (For Security reasons these are not allowed to be brought in but the venue offers inexpensive LED gloves)
Over the counter medication, liquid makeup or unsealed tampons
Prescription Meds
Must show physician’s prescription and consult with the Security manager upon entry.